Alexa Lemoine, the internet's dictionary.

Here are the basics.

My role for these projects was as a content writer. I worked on projects such as Everything After Z and Vocab Builders.The problem involved finding simple yet entertaining ways to educate people on using both high level vocabulary words and slang. The solution was to survey the internet for emerging words that's audience would visit the site to learn. The copy for these entries needed to be concise, clear, and give a layperson (AKA someone not perpetually online) a good idea on how to use the word. Entries explaining words relating to sensitive topics required more objectivity and research to properly convey its usage. For Vocab Builders, I broke down the definition, origins, and real-life applications of high level vocabulary words.

I've written 400+ articles and words for As a Dominican-American, I'm really happy I was given special translation assignments for Latin American slang. Just like learning a new language, sometimes you get to start with the bad words. ;)

Here are some examples.

This is a Vocab Builder for 'scaturient.'

This is a Vocab Builder for 'lily of the valley.'
lily of the valley

Here's an entry for Everything After Z about 'cancel culture.'
cancel culture

Here's an entry for Everything After Z on the Spanish slang word 'cabrón.'

This is a longer form article about how to write an effective character death.
death w dignity